
Friends of Montgomery Play Park

Hello, we are the Friends of Montgomery Play Park and since early 2020 we have been working closely with Montgomery Town Council to bring new play park provisions to the town for residents, locals and visitors. Montgomery Town Council retain overall responsibility for the play parks; we are a small group of individuals, volunteering our time to raise funds and drive forward development and improvement.


In developing the new park the community were asked how they felt about the play park provision in Montgomery. Feedback clearly demonstrated a need for improvement, and that any new provision should allow for ‘adventure’, be ‘interactive’, have ‘more green space’, provide ‘interesting equipment’ and allow for ‘imagination’. With this in mind, the long term development is to ensure that there is a variety of things to do, be inclusive for all, allow for physical, sensory and collaborative or independent play while offering spaces for rest and conversation, while ensuring that safety is paramount.


Other play areas: The old play park at Tan y Mur remains in place whilst Montgomery Town Council decides its future use. The play park on Gaol Road is on the Town Council’s agenda to be revitalised as soon as possible.


Montgomery Wales


Montgomery Wales

Montgomery Play Park Access Statement

Montgomery Play Park loves welcoming visitors, and wantS everyone to have an easy and enjoyable day. We hope that the information below will help you to plan your visit.

Arrival & Parking Facilities

1. There are directional signs to the car park from the main road.

2. There are car parking spaces for disabled visitors.

3. The surface of the main car park is tarmac.

4. A hardcore path of approximately 30m length and 1:10 gradient, leads to a decking bridge without steps, terminating in a tarmac path onto the play park field


Access to play equipment

1. There is a large basket swing placed immediately at the end of the tarmac path. 2. All other equipment is reached by crossing the grass surface of the play field.


Toilets and Changing Facilities

Toilets with baby change and disabled toilets are available at Montgomery Town Hall SY15 6PH

Facilities (montgomerytownhall.uk) a five minute walk away from the park, along pavement and crossing two main roads. There are steps at the front of this building but no steps at the rear entrance, allowing for wheelchair/pushchair access. There are car parking spaces in front and at the back of the Town Hall although it can be busy particularly on market days on Thursday and Saturday.

Our community is a special one and we would like to acknowledge all of those businesses and individuals who have helped, including:

  • Invertek
  • Alun Roberts Cars Ltd
  • Powis Estates
  • Montgomery Cricket Club
  • Dr Ashton and family
  • Geoff Saywell
  • Hilary & Nigel Owen
  • Several anonymous donors
  • Bunners
  • Our wonderful Town Crier - Susie Blower
  • Adam Cusack at G17
  • Montgomery Church in Wales Primary School
  • Montgomery Post Office/Ivy House
  • Pip Hunter
  • Amber Meredith Jones
  • Phil Humphries
  • Several anonymous donors
  • And all those who’ve baked cakes and helped out at fundraising events!


A Special Lady
The late Jill Kibble, previous mayor and stalwart supporter of the playpark development deserves a special mention. Jill's very generous donation of a zip wire back in 2023 was the turning point which made it possible to start installing the play equipment. Jill also requested that donations from Friends and family at her memorial service were directed to the play park project. We are forever grateful to this special lady.


Montgomery Wales


There are many others who have supported so much in kind with their time and skills to help us in all manner of ways from prize donations, to baking cakes, helping at fundraising events and giving their time and thought to our community consultations.

A number of community fundraisers have also taken place over the years, alongside focused crowdfunding appeals and support from local businesses.

These, plus a generous cash donation have led us to raise over £35,000 towards the project which will deliver a number of key items in the new play park very soon. Details to follow.

There is still more to do, contact us through our facebook page if you would like to make a donation to support the project


Progress so Far
Following a tender process which looked at many providers, in October 2023, Sovereign Play Equipment began installation. We now have a hardcore path from the car park leading to a bridge with the new play park featuring an accessible basket swing; baby swings; flat swings; a multi activity climbing piece and a playhouse.

Jill’s zip wire will be installed in early summer. This is just the start, other equipment will be sourced once funding is secured via other grants and funds, and work towards this will be ongoing. If you would like to help and can give us a donation please follow the link below.



To find out more and how you can help us, please visit our Facebook page - link below



We need your support

A number of community fundraisers have also taken place including Christmas raffles, an ongoing 100 square Club and wonderful Scarecrow Trail and Competition. We have approached local and relevant businesses and organisations to offer their support while also launching an online Localgiving appeal. Updates of our fundraising efforts will feature in our Facebook Page and News section here.

To find out more and how you can help us, please visit our facebook page


Community Consultation

April-May 2021 (complete)

Apply for Planning Permission

May 2021 (not required)

Apply for Lottery Funds

July/August 2021 (complete)

Apply for other funds

sponsorship and undertake further fundraising – Sept - Nov 2021

Funding outcomes

October onwards 2021

Work begins

(dependent on funds raised) but latest Spring 2022


Current committee members

Kate McDonald


Catrin John


Shayznay Bradshaw



Community Fundraising







Friends of Montgomery Play Park and Montgomery Town Council would like to thank everyone who has generously supported us over the last three years, we couldn't have done it without you!

This work has been made possible from;

Awards from Postcode Community Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery*; The National Lottery Community Fund; Montgomery Community Care Project



Montgomery Wales Postcode Community Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Friends of Montgomery Play Park has received £2000 from the Trust towards the delivery of a brand new play park for the town.


Postcode Community Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.